It is the time when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as the Earth's equator. In other words, there happened to be equal days and nights in the year. It happens twice a year and it so happened that it is the same date with my birthday. That’s why in astrology, the day of the equinox is the first full day of the sign of Aries. It is also the traditional first day of the astrological year. Just guess on what date my birth day is…find the clues! J
2. I am a super student wannabe…
Aside from being a third year Psychology major and a senior writer in the university publication, The NORSUnian, I am also a student assistant (SA) in one of the offices in the university, the Registrar’s office to be exact. Actually, I was already an SA before I joined the publication. Here is the catch… I had talked with the Registrar about my joining in the pub, and thought of quitting the job. To my surprise, he said that it’s okay being a writer at the same time serving the office as long as it does not impede my duties in the officeJ. Being an SA requires only 50 hour-service every month so, I have done my dual responsibilities in The Norsunian and in the Registrar’s Office with flying colors.
3. I have wanted to become a teacher…
But unfortunately, it turned out that I want another place aside from school. Imagine? All your life you’ve been in school and when you graduate, you’re still in school? Yes, I wanted to become a teacher before since teachers have always been role models that we, as pupils or students look up to. Sadly, I have been discouraged by the thought of making class records and checking papers with tot’s doodles on it. It’s not that I don’t want children, but there are many kids in our house and I don’t want another hassle. However, as I am studying Psychology, I found out that it is also inclined in teaching. Where should I go?
4. I love Sparks!!! ♥♥♥
Recently, the best-selling novelist and screenwriter Nicholas Charles Sparks had stepped on Manila for the book-signing tour of his latest book, "The Best of Me”. He is the author of popular books such as "Message In A Bottle," "A Walk To Remember," "Dear John," "The Last Song," and "The Notebook," all of which have been adapted to film. I recently finished reading his book entitled “The Lucky One” and I heard that it would be filmed to be starred by Zac Efron November next year (2012). I’m so excited since it’s about finding love and believing in destiny. It also connotes the emotional sufferings a man experiences as a US Marine. I am really fascinated by his books and to him as the author, that’s why my username in this blog as well as in my twitter account is like thatJ.
5. I never had a boyfriend....
Yes. I am a certified N.B.S.B. (No Boyfriend Since Birth) and I'm proud to say that. It's not that no one really courted me but, honestly I just let them down and close my doors. Well, I have this living principle of mine that I should only have my first boyfriend when I reach 18. I had followed that virtue to the extent that I said no even to my crushes. Sad to say, it's been 7 months and 20 days of waiting and nobody did really make my heart jump. I don't really understand why is it when you like someone, he likes somebody else while someone likes you but you don't like him either. However, I have some few crushes now and I want to stay like this...giggles, laughs and nothing so serious.
6. Alcoholic beverages is a no no...!
Since I have this "living principle of mine" that I have come to live each day, I have restricted my self from drinking alcoholic beverages. I think it's not good to see girls drinking because it's a boy thing. Before I was 18, I never tasted any form of liquor. But history changed when my friends forced me to drink this bitter drink 3 weeks ago. So I told them that I will only drink it if they would put Coke and water into it which equal to one third left for alcohol. And so they do what I say. Unfortunately, I can't take the smell and the taste though it only touched my lips, so I said NO and gave it back to them... See, I still haven't drink a portion of it but just tasted a bit.
7. I hate smokers...
Though my father is a chain smoker puffing up to two packs a day, I still hate smokers. I don't like it when he's at home smoking his cigar while my nephew is around. Just few days ago, my one-year old nephew had been found to have asthma. I most definitely hate those tricycle drivers smoking while driving. Isn't it impolite when you have passengers there and then you continue smoking that only pleasures you while harming the others? As a matter of fact, there's already a law prohibiting drivers to smoke. But why do they still continue doing it? Unless they just wanted to ruin their lungs, waste their money and decrease their lfe span!
8. I'm a true-believer of destiny...
I really believe in destiny. What happens to you has a reason. Answers won't come quick but surely you'll be surprised. Destiny make us also believe that there is true love. Imagine, of all the people in the world, you are bound to meet someone that you would really fall in love with despite your differences. Though we make choices, but sometimes choices would only lead us to situations we are meant to experience. That's destiny!
9. Blinx are my favorite colors...
Blinx is a combination of my two favorite colors - blue and pink - as you can see in my blog. When I was in high school, we had a group named Blinx. We just put "x" at the end to make it sound odd. We all like those colors, and for four years of being classmates, we share laughs and cries. How I missed all of them! It's almost three years when we got into college. Though only one out of eight studies in another school, we don't really communicate too much now. We're busy with our studies and time can't hold us together. New friends have come. Despite the distance, I still believe that our friendship would still remain in our hearts forever.
Butterflies are very beautiful creatures. They are so delicate that you can't even pin them down without destroying them. It is also an ephemeral living thing with shorter life span than any other insects. I really love butterflies, their colors, their structures and specially their life cycle - the metamorphosis. Don't you know that in Ancient Greek, the word butterfly is called "psyche". That's just one of the 318+ names for "butterfly" all over the world. I just learned this when I searched the web all about Psyche, the Goddess of the Soul, since I would portray her in our IPR last month for Greek Gods and Goddesses. I chose her personally since from the word "psyche", it means mind or soul which is with great connection in my study of psychology. Butterflies would also symbolize for change. Bearing in mind the many stages it has to pass before it finally become a butterfly is the same as with us human beings. There are many steps in our lives each incorporating various struggles that would lead us to what we eventually become in the future - the most beautiful butterfly capable of spreading our wings and what we often wanted, to fly... that are just ten of the things you don't know about me! Thanks for reading J....